
  • ARTFUL GATHERING ONLINE ART RETREAT - This summer, 2016!  I am teaching two workshops this year.  One is just for beginners:  WATERCOLOR TOOLBOX, a repeat performance geared for those of you who want to get started painting with watercolors.  The other class will be combining watercolor with mixed media!   Go to the Artful Gathering site to register and sign-up.

  • CREATE -  Seattle - October 22 - 26, 2014
    • Tropical Paradise: an Imaginary Watercolor Journey
    • Tutti Frutti Watercolors
    • Cave Paintings
    • My Favorite Journal
Paintings-on-the-Go for the Traveling Artist (6-Hour)
Date: Thursday, May 31Time: 9:00am-4:00pm Technique: Bookmaking & Art Journaling Instructor: Jacqueline NewboldPrice: $149.00 Materials Fee: $10.00 
With your watercolor journal and a few painting supplies, you will be ready to capture memories of your travel experiences and create a visual diary more unique than any photo album. Learn five techniques to make quick, on-the-go-paintings with colorful watercolor washes, water-soluble pens, pen and ink, sea sponges, and textured backgrounds. We will use maps, old book pages, pockets, and tags as a foundation for enhancing your art journals.  Whether you are traveling to Europe or to a local café, you will find how fun it is to record your life journey with watercolors.
Students Should Bring: Watercolor paints (the more the better!): I suggest Winsor Newton or Daniel Smith brands: Phthalo green or Winsor green, Cobalt blue, French ultramarine, Permanent magenta, Winsor red, Permanent orange, Hansa yellow medium and New Gamboge. Please always buy top quality paints, not student grade or gouache. Watercolor palette, I suggest the Hommee 18 well folding palette.  Several small, round watercolor brushes (such as Daniel Smith's Platinum Series 24, size 8 and other sizes), Mechanical pencil or artist drawing pencil and kneaded eraser, Permanent ink pens, Water container, Wash cloth or sponge, Glue stick, Small sea sponge, Photo references from your journeys that you would like use to paint, Small scissors.

Optional: Other great watercolor colors are: Phthalo turquoise, Ultramarine violet, Quinacridone burnt scarlet, Cobalt blue teal, Cerulean blue, Permanent rose, and Quinacridone gold.  Some of your favorite stamps and ink pads, alphabet stamps are great for embellishing pages. Your art or watercolor journal.  Sharpie oil-based paint fine point pens, Watercolor wheel (my favorite is the Pick, Point & Match Rainbow Color Selector)

Photo Paintings: A Slice of Life (3-Hour)
Date: Thursday, May 31Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Technique: Bookmaking & Art Journaling Instructor: Jacqueline NewboldPrice: $85.00 Materials Fee: $6.00 
Using watercolor and a section of your favorite photograph, we will paint portraits, animals or landscape miniatures based on what is contained in the photograph. Learn how to capture slices of your life by embellishing them with watercolor as they become incorporated into your paintings. This fun technique helps you to develop your artistic eye with color and value. Shapes and figures can be exaggerated to make whimsical and delightful paintings.  Are you intimidated by drawing people?  Don’t worry; the photo does the hard part for you!
Students Should Bring: Watercolor paints (the more the better!): I suggest Winsor Newton or Daniel Smith brands: Phthalo green or Winsor green, Cobalt blue, French ultramarine, Permanent magenta, Winsor red, Permanent orange, and New Gamboge.   Other great watercolor colors are: Phthalo turquoise, Ultramarine violet, Quinacridone burnt scarlet, Cobalt blue teal, Cerulean blue, Permanent rose, and Quinacridone gold.    Please always buy top quality paints, not student grade or gouache. Watercolor palette, I suggest the Hommee 18 well folding palette. Several small, round watercolor brushes (such as Daniel Smith's Platinum Series 24, size 8 and other sizes), Mechanical pencil or artist drawing pencil and kneaded eraser, Permanent ink pens, Water container, Wash cloth or sponge, Glue stick, Color photos or postcards that you can cut to incorporate into a painting: people, landscapes and animals are all great subjects, Small scissors

Flips, Flaps, and Fold-Outs (6-Hour)
Date: Friday, June 1Time: 9:00am-4:00pm Technique: Bookmaking & Art Journaling Instructor: Jacqueline NewboldPrice: $149.00
Materials Fee: $12.00 
Make interactive cards, tags and pockets to fill with secrets and hidden words in your journals. We will alter common office products with watercolor and mixed media in order to add elements of surprise to any journal. You will learn to build rich and textured backgrounds for your poetry, drawings, mini-collages, photos, and other artistic endeavors. Shipping and marking tags become the holder of meaningful words and little on-the-go sketches. Index card dividers open up to reveal photos or journaling.  Artists are very tactile and inserting dimensional objects in your journals adds an element of intrigue and engages the reader.
Students Should Bring: Watercolor paints (the more the better!): I suggest Winsor Newton or Daniel Smith brands: Phthalo green or Winsor green, Cobalt blue, French ultramarine, Permanent magenta, Winsor red, Permanent orange, Hansa Yellow medium and New Gamboge.   Please always buy top quality paints, not student grade or gouache. Watercolor palette, I suggest the Hommee 18 well folding palette, Several small, round watercolor brushes (such as Daniel Smith's Platinum Series 24, size 8) and a ¼  flat watercolor brush, Mechanical pencil or artist drawing pencil and kneaded eraser,  an art or watercolor  journal, Ribbon (5/8”  wide x 6” long), Permanent ink pens, Water container, Old wash cloth or sponge, Glue stick, Small old acrylic brush for spreading gesso.  Optional Items:  Other great watercolor colors are: Phthalo turquoise, Ultramarine violet, Quinacridone burnt scarlet, Cobalt blue teal, Cerulean blue, Permanent rose, and Quinacridone gold.  Here are some ideas for what to bring to decorate your tags and flaps: your favorite stamps and ink pads, (alphabet stamps are great for embellishing), stencils, favorite words, quotes and poetry printed out or to hand write, photos to cut up, copies of your art (reduced to 3 x 5 or smaller), Sharpie paint fine point pens and other journaling pens, small scissors, and ribbons for decoration.  Watercolor wheel-my favorite is the Pick, Point & Match Rainbow Color Selector (found at JoAnn’s).

Rainbow Studies (6-Hour)
Date: Saturday, June 2Time: 9:00am-4:00pm Technique: Bookmaking & Art Journaling Instructor: Jacqueline NewboldPrice: $149.00 Materials Fee: $10.00

evitalize your watercolor paintings with color! Using the color wheel as your guide, you will unlock the secrets to creating vibrant and harmonious paintings. Learn about color theory, successful color mixing, how not to make muddy paintings, and how to understand the characteristics of pigments. We will make a personal palette color wheel that you will use to create miniature 4" x 5" watercolor paintings. Everyone knows how to make a color wheel, but do you know how to use it?  With a deeper understanding of the relationships between colors, you will be painting with confidence.
Students Should Bring: Watercolor paints (the more the better!): I suggest Winsor Newton or Daniel Smith brands: Phthalo or Winsor green, Cobalt blue, French ultramarine, Permanent magenta, Winsor red, Permanent orange, Hansa yellow medium and New Gamboge.   Please always buy top quality paints, not student grade or gouache. Watercolor palette, I suggest the Hommee 18 well folding palette.  Several small, round watercolor brushes (such as Daniel Smith's Platinum Series 24, size 8) and a ¼  flat watercolor brush, Mechanical pencil or artist drawing pencil and kneaded eraser, Permanent ink pens, Water container, Wash cloth or sponge.  Optional items:  Other great watercolor colors are: Phthalo turquoise, Ultramarine violet, Quinacridone burnt scarlet, Cobalt blue teal, Cerulean blue, Permanent rose, and Quinacridone gold.  Some of your favorite stamps and ink pads, alphabet stamps are great for embellishing pages. Your art or watercolor journal.  A bone folder.  Color wheel, my favorite is the Pick, Point & Match Rainbow Color Selector (found at JoAnns).

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