Thursday, March 31, 2016

Creating a Color-Filled Day!

My All About Color class has just started in my Tumalo Art Studio.  We are learning how to use the colors on our watercolor palettes and the color wheel to create harmonious paintings.  Since I am a color artist this is always one of my favorite classes to teach!
I would like to share with you some ideas over the next few weeks on how you can learn to get to know the colors on your palette and use the more effectively.
Here is my first suggestion - Make a painted color swatch of each of the colors on your palette.  Label them with the manufacturer's name, the pigment number and the light fastness.  Color charts are fun and relaxing to do!
1.  For the manufacture's name, I use abbreviations such as DS for Daniel Smith and WN for Winsor Newton.
2.  The pigment number can be found on the tube and also can be found on art supply web sites.  For Winsor Green, Blue Shade, the pigment color is PG37.  I love to collect this information because as it turns out, Winsor Green, Blue Shade is the same pigment as Daniel Smith's Phthalo Green, Blue Shade.  I don't need them both on my palette.
3.  Light Fastness.  This will tell you how permanent the pigment color is and it's resistance to fade or change over time.
Here are some photos of our class working on their color charts.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

More from Art and Soul, 2016

I was so impressed by the beautiful art that my students created at the Portland Art and Soul Retreat. I shared some fun, easy watercolor exercises and then gorgeous watercolor paintings started happening!  Painting soothes the soul and make our hearts happy.  Here are more photos of the paintings we did:

Friday, March 11, 2016

Art and Soul 2016

Art and Soul, Portland, 2016 was a huge success!  My students had so much fun creating color-filled watercolor paintings.  They all learned some new techniques along the way too.  I always love reconnecting with students that have taken my classes before and return for more.  Making new friends in art is a treat.  Here are some photos of our week together in Portland, Oregon.  Look at how beautiful their paintings are!
Our Colorful Whites Class

Darcy and Amy showing off their artistic aprons

Messy palettes = happy students!